Injection molding

Injection molding

Injection molding produces plastic parts by injecting molten material into a mold. Widely used in industries like automotive and electronics, the process involves melting plastic pellets in a machine, injecting them into a mold cavity and cooling to solidify the part. This allows for mass production of identical parts.


Cost-effective – High-volume production lowers costs for industries needing large quantities.

Precision – Precision parts for industries requiring exact components.

Efficiency – Fast production cycles for industries with high output or tight schedules.

Flexibility – Design freedom for intricate geometries, ideal for industries requiring unique parts.


Automotive Industry

Vehicle trims, dashboard components, engine parts and electrical connectors.

Medical Industry

Syringes, vials, blood collection tubes and surgical instruments.

Construction Industry

Plumbing and construction components such as pipes and fittings.

Furniture Industry

Chair and table legs, armrests and backrests.

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